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Martin G.R.R., A Clash of Kings. The Graphic Novel. Volume One

серия: Song of Ice and Fire. The Graphic Novel
Harper Voyager, 2018 г., 9780008322137

Описание книги

George R.R. Martin"s epic fantasy masterwork A Song of Ice and Fire is brought to life in the pages of this full-colour graphic novel. This is the first part of a four-volume adaptation of the second book in the series, A Clash of Kings. The four-part graphic novel adaptation of A Game of Thrones proved that George R. R. Martin"s A Song of Ice and Fire has the power to enchant in any medium. Now the story continues as New York Times bestselling author Landry Q. Walker and illustrator Mel Rubi introduce a thrilling new series based on the second book in the landmark saga. Time is out of joint. The summer of peace and plenty, ten years long, is drawing to a close, and the harsh, chill winter approaches like an angry beast. Two great leaders-Lord Eddard Stark and King Robert Baratheon-who held sway over an age of enforced peace are dead, victims of royal treachery. Now, from the ancient citadel of Dragonstone to the forbidding walls of Winterfell, chaos reigns as pretenders to the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms prepare to stake their claims through tempest, turmoil, and war. As a prophecy of doom cuts across the sky-a comet the color of blood and flame-six factions struggle for control of a divided land. Eddard"s son Robb has declared himself King in the North. In the south, Joffrey, the heir apparent, rules in name only, victim of the scheming courtiers who teem over King"s Landing. Robert Baratheon"s two brothers each seek his own dominion, while a disfavored house turns once more to conquest. And a continent away, an exiled queen, the Mother of Dragons, risks everything to lead her precious brood across a hard, hot desert to win back the crown that is rightfully hers. Against a backdrop of incest and fratricide, alchemy and murder, the price of glory may be measured in blood. And the spoils of victory may just go to the men and women possessed of the coldest steel... and the coldest hearts. For when rulers clash, all the land feels the tremors.

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