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Ashman P., Clarkson S., O`Reilly B., Fantastic Beasts. The Wonder of Nature. Amazing Animals and the Magical Creatures of Harry Potter

серия: Harry Potter. Книги по вселенной
Bloomsbury, 2020 г., 9781526624031

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Описание книги

The magical world of J.K. Rowling"s Fantastic Beasts meets the real-world experts of the world-famous Natural History Museum, in an awe-inspiring exhibition devoted to the wonders of nature, science and adventure – and their fictional counterparts from Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts. A perfect present! Fantastic Beasts: The Wonder of Nature is the official book inspired by the spectacular exhibition, shining a light on beasts in all their fantastic forms. Taking inspiration from Newt Scamander, this gorgeous colour gift book invites the whole family to explore the inspiration and links between the magic of J.K. Rowling"s creatures and the astonishing real-world wildlife that has roamed the earth, seas and skies of our planet throughout history. Prepare to pore over ancient maps of sea monsters; naturalists" field notes crammed with intricately painted chameleons and caterpillars; and dinosaurs such as the mighty Dracorex Hogwartsia, the "Dragon King of Hogwarts". The Natural History Museum boasts one of the finest collections in the world – some 80 million animals, plants, minerals, rocks and fossils. These scientific specimens sit beside breathtaking artwork of J.K. Rowling"s magical creatures; fascinating props and artefacts from the Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter films; and stunning wildlife photography. Readers are invited to meet unicorns and merpeople, Nifflers and Bowtruckles, pythons and tigers, and observe their amazing and endlessly surprising behaviours. Each chapter begins with an original essay by a well-known writer, environmental expert or natural history scientist, offering their own unique insight into the exhibition. Uplifting and absorbing, this is a book that evokes the true magic and majesty of nature in all its myriad forms. Fantastic Beasts: The Wonder of Nature inspires us to protect our precious planet – a must-have for Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts fans of all ages, budding explorers and readers who aren"t able to visit the exhibition in person.

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