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Hoffman M., Melamed A., Inside the Middle East. Entering a New Era

Skyhorse Publishing, 2022 г., 9781510769335

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Why Is the Middle East Entering a “New Era?” Is It a New Dawn? Is It a Setting Sun? In the third decade of the twenty-first century, the Middle East is entering a new era. A multifaceted and intricate equilibrium will write the next chapter of this region. The new era we are entering is fraught with challenges and full of opportunities. The new era is both defined by, and a result of, a combination of ancient and modern, domestic, regional, and international processes. Iran and Turkey each strive to position themselves as the regional superpower. In parallel, the people of the region struggle to overcome increasing domestic challenges. These developments, combined with an escalating struggle over path, identity, and direction, could result in a new model of statehood in the Arab world. While some countries take the turbulent path toward a possible new statehood model, others are fighting for their sovereignty and survival. All of this is occurring while Western hegemony in the Middle East is coming to an end and the Eastern giants are on the rise. Acclaimed Middle East expert, an Israeli fluent in Arabic, English, and Hebrew, Avi Melamed has a proven exceptional record of foreseeing the evolution of events in the Middle East and their impact on a local and regional level. In this book, Melamed takes you on a fascinating eye-opening journey through the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East in the third decade of the twenty first century. He challenges common Western concepts, narratives, and theories. And he provides predictions about some of the most central regional issues of the day. Using primarily sources from the region, Avi Melamed provides a professional, rare insider’s view and clearly and insightfully contextualizes current regional events. Inside The Middle East: Entering a New Era provides the knowledge and tools to connect the dots. This distinct understanding allows the reader to build a multidimensional picture of the geopolitical reality of the Middle East today and provides an unparalleled foundation for navigating the events of tomorrow.

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