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Romanova R., Dirty Minds 14

серия: Dirty Minds
Bookwire, , 9783742730701

Описание книги

My name is Dunya Romanova. With this book I would like to share my pleasure and sexuality with you. My name is Dunya Romanova. With this book I would like to share my pleasure and sexuality with you. This book is the fourtynth in a whole series. Each book contains an erotic story. These correspond in part to my life, my real experiences. The rest is head cinema. My stories are therefore a mixture of wishes, longings, real adventures and masturbation fantasies. And now to me: I was born in 1982 in the former Soviet Union. More precisely, in Rybinsk, in the sign of Sagittarius. I am 162 cm tall and of a cosy but aesthetic figure. I have a bulging, 95 E-cup. By nature my hair is blond and my eyes are green to bluish. I have been wearing my hair short and in different colours for many years. Meanwhile I am heavily tattooed. To my father's annoyance, I also had the back of my hand tattooed. So, now you also have a visual idea of me in the stories. I hope I can give you a little pleasure with my fantasies and experiences and/or inspire you to erotic acts;) To make reading more pleasant I write from my own point of view. Your Dunja And now to me: I was born in 1982 in the former Soviet Union. More precisely, in Rybinsk, in the sign of Sagittarius. I am 162 cm tall and of a cosy but aesthetic figure. I have a bulging, 95 E-cup. By nature my hair is blond and my eyes are green to bluish. I have been wearing my hair short and in different colours for many years. Meanwhile I am heavily tattooed. To my father's annoyance, I also had the back of my hand tattooed. So, now you also have a visual idea of me in the stories. I hope I can give you a little pleasure with my fantasies and experiences and/or inspire you to erotic acts;) To make reading more pleasant I write from my own point of view. Your Dunja

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