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Singh S., The Intercultural Exeter Couples Model

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781119668435

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Increase the efficacy of your  treatment interventions in intercultural couples therapy   The Intercultural Exeter Couples Model: Making Connections for a Divided World Through Systemic-Behavioral Therapy  provides practitioners with a thorough guide to effectively treating intercultural couples. The book consists of a systematic effort to translate systemic ideas that take into account a cultural perspective into a highly useable and practical form.  The Intercultural Exeter Couples Model  also attempts to marry two, often distinct, forms of practice: the systemic and the behavioral. Both approaches have much to contribute to effective couples’ counselling but they are often theoretically siloed. This book demonstrates the value of using both approaches simultaneously.  This book provides concrete and practical strategies for implementing systemic and behavioral approaches to intercultural couples’ therapy in a manner consistent with clinical best practice. Rather than ignoring the significant and complex impacts that differing cultures can have on a relationship,  The Intercultural Exeter Couple Model  puts those differences front and center, encouraging the therapist to engage with the cultural mismatch that can be at the core of many couples’ ongoing friction.  The book’s chapters tackle both the model itself and a variety of interventions, covering topics including:  Teaching couples how to break patterns and prepare them to establish new ones Training couples to communicate effectively Establishing new modes of behavior in couples An explanation of empathic bridging maneuvers A description of the use of life-space explorations Perfect for clinicians, students, and professors interested in or practicing in the field of couples’ therapy,  The Intercultural Exeter Couples Model  provides readers with an in-depth exploration of an increasingly important model of couples therapy and describes, in painstaking detail, the interventions necessary to achieve positive patient outcomes.

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