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Perkins ., Getting Pregnant For Dummies

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781119601234

Описание книги

The hands-on guide that addresses the common barriers to achieving pregnancy and offers tips to maximize your potential for fertility For millions of people, starting a family is a lifelong dream. However, many face challenges in welcoming children into the world. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 12% of women in the US from ages 15 to 44 have difficulty getting pregnant or staying pregnant. A variety of factors exist that can contribute to infertility, such as ovulation disorders, uterine abnormalities, congenital defects, and a host of environmental and lifestyle considerations. But infertility is not just a female problem. For approximately 35% of couples with infertility, a male factor is identified along with a female factor, while in 8% of couples, a male factor is the only identifiable cause. Fortunately, there are many treatment options that offer hope. Getting Pregnant For Dummies discusses the difficulties related to infertility and offers up-to-date advice on the current methods and treatments to assist in conception. This easy-to-read guide will help you understand why infertility occurs, its contributing risk factors, and the steps to take to increase the chances of giving birth. From in vitro fertilization (IVF) to third party reproduction (donor sperm or eggs and gestational surrogacy) to lifestyle changes to understanding genetic information to insurance, legal and medication considerations, this bookcovers all the information you need to navigate your way to the best possible results. Packed with the latest information and new developments in medical technology, this book: Helps readers find real-life solutions to getting pregnant Covers the latest information on treatments for infertility for both women and men Offers advice on choosing the option best suited for an individual’s unique situation Explains the different types and possible causes of infertility issues Provides insight to genetic testing information Provides suggestions for lifestyle changes that help prepare for conception Getting Pregnant For Dummies is an indispensable guide for every woman trying to conceive and for men experiencing infertility issues.

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