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Strauss S., The Binary Secret

Автор, , 9783944031514

Описание книги

Dear reader, I am very happy that you have found your way to 'The binary secret'. First, I would like to briefly introduce myself: My name is Helmut Strauss, I am in my early forties, happily married, and have two children. We live in a small town in Germany. I am not a financial expert, nor am I a financial service provider. I am a carpenter by trade, and run my own shop. With this shop, I have fulfilled a dream of mine. In the past, I gladly let my hard-earned money work for me in the financial sector. Unfortunately, like almost everybody, the financial crisis hit me pretty hard back in 2008. This is why, after the collapse, I initially switched over to other investment opportunities, which were only partially tied to the financial sector. But among those products, I didn't find anything suitable for me either; not something I could stand behind 100%. That's why I invested all of my money into my shop, and grew it into a small, thriving enterprise. My wife takes care of customer relations, while I immerse myself in my carpentry work. As we all know, life writes its own story, and so it happened, that a customer of mine told me about the subject of binary options. The idea of enabling somebody to trade stocks, currencies, indices and commodities in a simple manner fascinated me more and more. I started making inquiries, research the legalities, and began involving my wife. Suddenly, the desire grew in me to try my hand at trading with binary options. Now, I wanted to trade myself. My wife doesn't know a thing about the financial sector, and has refused to busy herself with it for as long as I've known her. Therefore I expected it to be difficult to convince her to approve of my wish. But after an evening at a friend"s house, during which our host expressed a keen interest in the subject, she too started pricking her ears. We talked about the subject, she listened attentively, and the idea to publish an e-book about the subject of binary options was born. My sister worked as an editor at a publishing house at the time, so the idea of using her experience and contacts was self-evident. My order books were full and I was in the middle of production for a few dozen customers. But after I had showed my two women everything, and had explained to them the concept of 'Binary Options', they were also on fire and were ecstatic about the idea to give everyone the chance to participate in the trading of stocks, currencies, indices and commodities. And that without risk, and with only small financial exposure. A market, which until recently was reserved exclusively for the wealthy, was now accessible for practically everybody! Hence it was clear to us that this e-book had the highest priority over everything else. Our family is very social-minded and we like to help people. This mind-set is reflected in the 'Concept of Brokerage Houses'; this is why it fits perfectly into our life and our day-to-day business. After a long and very intense test phase, in which I thoroughly investigated several portals, I can now with a clear conscience depict my findings in this book. For a few weeks, I made it my full-time job to research binary options. I sacrificed my complete annual vacation! During that time, I talked with many people from that sector, combed through forums and watched instructional videos. I tested trading on various platforms, and got my own picture of this wonderful new market. After all these weeks I am increasingly enthusiastic about the subject of binary options and now can't wait to share my experiences with you. I have tried to make the specific terminology of the market comprehensible as much as possible, because unfortunately the financial sector has its own language, and to make the subject accessible to you, where possible, in an entertaining and vivid manner. I have also dealt with the subject of auto-binary options, a simple way to trade without any previous knowledge. Have fun reading! Helmut Strauss This ebook was realised with the friendly assistance of: Autobinary: http://bunitd.com/?b=8&id=106769&m=576 Cedar Finance: http://bunitd.com/?b=8&id=106769&m=849 Regal Option: http://bunitd.com/?b=11&id=106769&m=599 24 Option: http://option.go2jump.org/SHkMR

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