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Reeves R., The Microbrewery Handbook

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781119598039

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An unprecedented guide to successfully start or grow a microbrewery or craft brewery in a much more competitive world. Opening a microbrewery starts with, of course, making great beer. But that is just the beginning. Today’s sophisticated patrons are offered an ever-increasing array of options. It’s so much more than beer nowadays. Yes, great beer is essential, but to attract and hold on to a loyal customer base, you must create a sense of place. Do your research. Understand financing and cash flow. Know how to measure your success. A successful, well-run microbrewery knows how to hire the right employees—employees that will spread word of your business to friends, family, even total strangers, both on and off the clock. Marketing, branding, customer experience; they all matter. There are so many factors that directly and indirectly contribute to success, it may at times be overwhelming. The Microbrewery Handbook offers an extraordinary look at all of the facets of success in the industry. No matter if you are thinking about starting a new venture or are already operating your own microbrewery, this valuable book offers real-world advice and proven strategies to help you thrive in the competitive micro and craft brewing industry. Focused on practical guidance, author D. C. Reeves distills his experience founding Perfect Plain Brewing Company in Pensacola, Florida into an engaging, up-to-date resource for microbrewers everywhere. Clearly showing readers what works in the industry and, just as importantly, what doesn’t work, The Microbrewery Handbook: Helps you create unique, memorable experiences for your customers, your employees, and your city Includes coverage of the financial aspects of building and growing your business, such as banking, investment, and debt Shows you how to transform your business into a community anchor Offers suggestions on building an entire culture around your brand that promotes positivity and attracts the right kind of attention Shares personal stories and advice from a successful microbrew entrepreneur Includes interviews and insight with industry experts as well as owners of some of the nation’s elite craft breweries including Sam Calagione of Dogfish Head, Jeffrey Stuffings of Jester King, and Doug Resier of Burial Brewing The Microbrewery Handbook: Craft, Brew, and Build Your Own Microbrewery Success is an indispensable, first-of-its-kind book for anyone in the micro and craft brewing industry.

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