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Robert L., Career Development and Counseling

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781118222225

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Praise for Career Development and Counseling: Putting Theory and Research to Work, Second Edition «This volume is an essential resource for the library of anyone interested in the field of career development, assessment, and counseling and should also prove invaluable for graduate students interested in immersing themselves in some of the best work being done today in the field of career development and counseling.» —Nancy E. Betz, PhD, Professor, Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University «In this second edition, Drs. Brown and Lent continue to shape career development discourse and illustrate the ongoing significance of the fields of career development and counseling in the twenty-first century. This edition will help both researchers and practitioners alike to better understand, investigate, and promote the role of work in people"s lives.» —Angela Byars-Winston, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Wisconsin-Madison Complete coverage of leading career theories and practices Filled with the latest empirical and practical evidence, this new edition features: A new introductory chapter that defines and discusses the importance of career counseling in the twenty-first century, and offers a brief history of the field New chapters on gender, race/ethnicity, social class and poverty, sexual minority identity, disability status, personality, and relational factors Major theories of career development Coverage of the assessment of important career constructs and occupational information systems Interventions for working with career issues across the life span Edited by two of the leaders in the field of career development, and featuring contributions by many of the most well-regarded specialists in the field, Career Development and Counseling, Second Edition is the one book that every career counselor, vocational psychologist, and student of career development and counseling must have.

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