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Carol B., Software Measurement and Estimation

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9780471792529

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An effective, quantitative approach for estimating and managing software projects How many people do I need? When will the quality be good enough for commercial sale? Can this really be done in two weeks? Rather than relying on instinct, the authors of Software Measurement and Estimation offer a new, tested approach that includes the quantitative tools, data, and knowledge needed to make sound estimations. The text begins with the foundations of measurement, identifies the appropriate metrics, and then focuses on techniques and tools for estimating the effort needed to reach a given level of quality and performance for a software project. All the factors that impact estimations are thoroughly examined, giving you the tools needed to regularly adjust and improve your estimations to complete a project on time, within budget, and at an expected level of quality. This text includes several features that have proven to be successful in making the material accessible and easy to master: * Simple, straightforward style and logical presentation and organization enables you to build a solid foundation of theory and techniques to tackle complex estimations * Examples, provided throughout the text, illustrate how to use theory to solve real-world problems * Projects, included in each chapter, enable you to apply your newfound knowledge and skills * Techniques for effective communication of quantitative data help you convey your findings and recommendations to peers and management Software Measurement and Estimation: A Practical Approach allows practicing software engineers and managers to better estimate, manage, and effectively communicate the plans and progress of their software projects. With its classroom-tested features, this is an excellent textbook for advanced undergraduate-level and graduate students in computer science and software engineering. An Instructor Support FTP site is available from the Wiley editorial department.

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