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Paul S., Aquaculture. Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781119230816

Описание книги

A clear illustration of the important role of aquaculture in supporting food security, livelihoods, and economic development around the world This new edition of Aquaculture: Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants covers important aspects of the culture of fish, shellfish, and algae in freshwater and marine environments. Subject areas covered include principles of aquaculture, water quality, environmental impacts of aquaculture, desert aquaculture, reproduction, life cycles and growth, genetics and stock improvement, nutrition and feed production, diseases, vaccination, post-harvest technology, economics and marketing, and future developments of aquaculture. Separate chapters also cover the culture of algae, carps, salmonids, tilapias, catfish, marine and brackish fishes, soft-shelled turtles, barramundi, marine shrimp, mitten crabs, and other decapod crustaceans, bivalves, gastropods, and ornamental species. This edition also provides greater coverage of aquaculture in China, reflecting the country’s importance in the global scene. Providing core scientific and commercially useful information, and written by 35 eminent international authors, this expanded and fully updated Third Edition of Aquaculture is essential reading for all students and professionals studying and working in aquaculture. Fish farmers, hatchery managers, and those in aquaculture support and supply industries, such as feed manufacturing, will find an abundance of commercially useful information within this important and now established book. Describes the multitude of developments that have occurred within the aquaculture field over the last 15 years Includes a major revision of production statistics and trends, discussion of technical developments, and revised and extended coverage provided by broader international authorship Brings together 35 internationally recognized contributors, including a number of new contributors Aquaculture: Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants, Third Edition is a recommended text for students of the subject and a concise reference for those working in or entering into the industry.

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