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Allen J., Emotionally Intelligent Leadership for Students

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781118821886

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The workbook that helps students connect emotional intelligence with leadership skills The Emotionally Intelligent Leadership for Students: Student Workbook contains hands-on activities and case studies to help students foster the 19 capacities of emotionally intelligent leadership (EIL) presented in the main text Emotionally Intelligent Leadership: A Guide for Students. Research from around the world has demonstrated that there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership. For the substantially revised second edition, the authors have completely rewritten all modules and activities according to their data-based model. These activities bring theory into practice, targeting specific learning outcomes that will help students become better leaders. The workbook can be used in conjunction with the Emotionally Intelligent Leadership for Students: Inventory which helps students to assess their leadership behaviors. The companion Emotionally Intelligent Leadership for Students: Facilitation and Activity Guide is aligned with the workbook to serve as a road map for educators. Contains 23 all new modules consisting of activities and case studies that further the understanding and relevancy of the emotionally intelligent leadership model Reflects 19 emotionally intelligent leadership capacities derived from new research research that provides evidence of construct validity Can be used as a self-guided experience for developing capacities of EIL Includes tips for improving each leadership capacity, suggestions for further reading, and films to watch The Emotionally Intelligent Leadership for Students suite of resources offers an immersive and transformative educational experience, fostering growth and promoting intense self-reflection. Students will be empowered to develop into the effective leaders of the future.

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