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Perry L., Handbook of Public Administration

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781119004080

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The fundamentals of public administration, from the world"s leading practitioners Handbook of Public Administration is the classic, comprehensive guide to the field, featuring original writings from the world"s foremost public administration thought leaders and practitioners. Intended to help both public administration students and practitioners navigate administrative challenges, overcome obstacles, and improve effectiveness, this guide provides a complete overview of the entire field. The information is organized into seven parts representing key domains of knowledge and practice that are essential for effective public administration. These reflect changes in the state of modern public administration, the factors that influence policies and programs, the mechanics of how government works, and the tools that help administrators get things done. Readers will find insightful discussions on the challenges of contemporary governance and the ethics of public administration, as well as practical guidance on the everyday operations that bring effective policies and programs to life. Students and experienced practitioners alike will appreciate the well-rounded approach to issues public administrators face every day. The book is complete enough to act as a text, but organized logically for quick reference for specific problems or situations. Readers will: Understand the challenges posed by the changing context of public administration Explore how relationships and decisions influence public policies and programs Learn the critical skills and tools public administrators must master to be effective Explore the ethics and liabilities of public administration, and what it means to take part The role of public administration is evolving, and the changing nature of the field will impact the way policies and programs are designed and implemented. This book fully explores current and upcoming changes domestically and internationally against the backdrop of public administration fundamentals. For the student or professional seeking a deeper understanding of the public administrator"s role, Handbook of Public Administration is a clear, comprehensive resource.

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