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Russell P., Intellectual Property. Valuation, Exploitation, and Infringement Damages 2015 Cumulative Supplement

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781118928448

Описание книги

An updated, comprehensive guide to monetizing intellectual property assets Intellectual Property, Valuation, Exploration, and Infringement Damages removes complexity and provides solutions to the challenge of placing a dollar amount on intellectual property. This revised and updated cumulative supplement for 2015 provides insight that reflects the latest regulations and best practices, and the most up to date practical tools for evaluating the investment aspects of licensing and joint venture decisions. The discussion includes procedures for accounting, tax, and legalities, and examines the business economics of strategies involving intellectual property, and analytical models are provided to help you determine reasonable royalty rates for licensing and fair equity splits in joint venture arrangements. With detailed explanations and expert insight into the realities surrounding these assets, you"ll have everything you need to exploit your product to the fullest extent. Companies are increasingly looking to their intellectual property as a profit center. Patents, trademarks, formulas, copyrights, and brand names can easily become the cornerstone of a corporation, and its most important asset, all while remaining difficult to quantifiably value. This supplement simplifies the challenge by providing the tools, precedent, and expert advice you need to approach these assets with clarity and understanding. Overcome valuation challenges and avoid common errors Understand the associated legal, tax, and accounting practices Study analytical models for fair licensing and equity splits Review precedent for determining infringement damages Intellectual property can cost hundreds of millions of dollars to create, and is often irreplaceable with no substitute or alternative available. These assets need protection, and companies need recourse in case of infringement. Intellectual Property, Valuation, Exploration, and Infringement Damages clarifies the legal, financial, and investment issues to give you a deeper understanding of how best to handle these valuable assets.

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