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Главная  » Тематика определяется » Fundamentals and Applications of Lithium-ion Batteries in Electric Drive Vehicles

Jiang J., Fundamentals and Applications of Lithium-ion Batteries in Electric Drive Vehicles

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781118414804

Описание книги

A theoretical and technical guide to the electric vehicle lithium-ion battery management system Covers the timely topic of battery management systems for lithium batteries. After introducing the problem and basic background theory, it discusses battery modeling and state estimation. In addition to theoretical modeling it also contains practical information on charging and discharging control technology, cell equalisation and application to electric vehicles, and a discussion of the key technologies and research methods of the lithium-ion power battery management system. The author systematically expounds the theory knowledge included in the lithium-ion battery management systems and its practical application in electric vehicles, describing the theoretical connotation and practical application of the battery management systems. Selected graphics in the book are directly derived from the real vehicle tests. Through comparative analysis of the different system structures and different graphic symbols, related concepts are clear and the understanding of the battery management systems is enhanced. Contents include: key technologies and the difficulty point of vehicle power battery management system; lithium-ion battery performance modeling and simulation; the estimation theory and methods of the lithium-ion battery state of charge, state of energy, state of health and peak power; lithium-ion battery charge and discharge control technology; consistent evaluation and equalization techniques of the battery pack; battery management system design and application in electric vehicles. A theoretical and technical guide to the electric vehicle lithium-ion battery management system Using simulation technology, schematic diagrams and case studies, the basic concepts are described clearly and offer detailed analysis of battery charge and discharge control principles Equips the reader with the understanding and concept of the power battery, providing a clear cognition of the application and management of lithium ion batteries in electric vehicles Arms audiences with lots of case studies Essential reading for Researchers and professionals working in energy technologies, utility planners and system engineers.

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