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Bruce C., Introductory Statistics and Analytics

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781118881668

Описание книги

Concise, thoroughly class-tested primer that features basic statistical concepts in the concepts in the context of analytics, resampling, and the bootstrap A uniquely developed presentation of key statistical topics, Introductory Statistics and Analytics: A Resampling Perspective provides an accessible approach to statistical analytics, resampling, and the bootstrap for readers with various levels of exposure to basic probability and statistics. Originally class-tested at one of the first online learning companies in the discipline, www.statistics.com, the book primarily focuses on applications of statistical concepts developed via resampling, with a background discussion of mathematical theory. This feature stresses statistical literacy and understanding, which demonstrates the fundamental basis for statistical inference and demystifies traditional formulas. The book begins with illustrations that have the essential statistical topics interwoven throughout before moving on to demonstrate the proper design of studies. Meeting all of the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) requirements for an introductory statistics course, Introductory Statistics and Analytics: A Resampling Perspective also includes: Over 300 “Try It Yourself” exercises and intermittent practice questions, which challenge readers at multiple levels to investigate and explore key statistical concepts Numerous interactive links designed to provide solutions to exercises and further information on crucial concepts Linkages that connect statistics to the rapidly growing field of data science Multiple discussions of various software systems, such as Microsoft Office Excel®, StatCrunch, and R, to develop and analyze data Areas of concern and/or contrasting points-of-view indicated through the use of “Caution” icons Introductory Statistics and Analytics: A Resampling Perspective is an excellent primary textbook for courses in preliminary statistics as well as a supplement for courses in upper-level statistics and related fields, such as biostatistics and econometrics. The book is also a general reference for readers interested in revisiting the value of statistics.

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