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Robert R., The Expert Witness in Construction

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781118654378

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The role of the expert witness has long been important in the resolution of construction disputes. The specialist opinion brought by the expert can aid understanding and interpretation of the facts of the dispute, and may be influential in deciding the outcome. The variety of dispute resolution procedures and the requirement for the expert witness to be independent places a heavy burden on the parties to identify and instruct an appropriate expert, and on the expert to ensure they discharge their duty in the correct manner. The Expert Witness in Construction explains, in practical terms, the way in which experts work with particular reference to the construction industry. Within this book the Expert"s role is explained in legal and practical terms as a progression from understanding the basic principles by which Experts can be identified, through appointment, to giving evidence before a tribunal. At every stage commentary is given to: help and guide professionals new to the arena of expert evidence; act as a resource for those already acting as Experts; assist party representatives looking for best practice guidance on the instruction of Experts; and provide parties to disputes information on what they should expect from the Expert they appoint to explain the issues in the case. Covering all the implications of identifying, appointing, instructing and relying on experts, it will help the reader to understand why experts are instructed in the way they are, how to identify the expert that is right for a particular case and how evidence should be presented. Written by a practicing lawyer and a consultant with extensive experience of acting as an expert witness, the requirements of both the lawyer and expert are discussed. As such, it will help both parties to understand each other resulting in a closer, more productive working relationship.

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