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Benson H., Topical and Transdermal Drug Delivery. Principles and Practice

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781118140475

Описание книги

Practical drug development approaches presented by leading experts Designed to support the development of new, effective therapeutics, Topical and Transdermal Drug Delivery: Principles and Practice explains the principles underlying the field and then demonstrates how these principles are put into practice in the design and development of new drug products. Drawing together and reviewing the latest research findings, the book focuses on practical, tested, and proven approaches that are backed by industry case studies and the authors" firsthand experience. Moreover, the book emphasizes the mechanistic information that is essential for successful drug product development. Topical and Transdermal Drug Delivery: Principles and Practice is divided into two parts: Part One, Current Science, Skin Permeation, and Enhancement Approaches, offers readers a fundamental understanding of the underlying science in the field. It describes the principles and techniques needed to successfully perform experimental approaches, covering such issues as skin permeation, enhancement, and assessment. Part Two, Topical and Transdermal Product Development, guides readers through the complete product development process from concept to approval, offering practical tips and cautions from experts in the field. This part also discusses regulations that are specific to the development of dermal drug products. The final chapter explores current and future trends, forecasting new development techniques and therapeutics. Throughout the book, the authors clearly set forth the basic science and experimental procedures, making it possible for researchers to design their own experimental approaches and accurately interpret their results. With contributions from experienced drug researchers, this text is highly recommended for all researchers involved in topical and transdermal product development who need to know both the state of the science and the standards of practice.

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