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» Managing Construction Projects
Graham W., Managing Construction Projects
John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781444314694
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Project management is of critical importance in construction, yet its execution poses major challenges. In order to keep a project on track, decisions often have to be made before all the necessary information is available. Drawing on a wide range of research, Managing Construction Projects proposes new ways of thinking about project management in construction, exploring the skills required to manage uncertainty and offering techniques for thinking about the challenges involved. The second edition takes the information processing perspective introduced in the first edition and develops it further. In particular, this approach deepens the reader’s understanding of the dynamics in the construction project process – from the value proposition inherent in the project mission, to the functioning asset that generates value for its owners and users. Managing Construction Projects is a unique and indispensible contribution to the available literature on construction project management. It will be of particular benefit to advanced students of construction and construction project management, as well as contractors and quantity surveyors. Reviews of the First edition: «A massive review of the art and science of the management of projects that has the great virtue of being a good read wherever it is touched. It spills the dirt on things that went wrong, elucidates the history so you can understand the industry"s current stance, draws on other countries experience and explains the latest management processes. Throughout it is liberally sprinkled with anecdotes and case histories which amply illustrate the dos and don"t for practitioners wishing to deliver projects on time to expected quality and price. A valuable book for students and practitioners alike.» —John D Findlay, Director, Stent «This is a valuable source for practitioners and students. It covers the A-Z of project management in a confident contemporary manner, and provides a powerful and much needed conceptual perspective in place of a purely prescriptive approach. The engaging presentation introduces a range of challenges to established thinking about project management, often by making comparisons between practices in the UK and those of other countries.» —Peter Lansley, Professor of Construction Management, University of Reading «A refreshing and unique study of information management and its impact upon international construction project management.... The book is well presented and written, logical and succinct and is flexible enough to allow readers to either read from start to finish or to dip into selected chapters. This book deserves to be an established text for any construction or civil engineering under – and/or postgraduate course.» —CNBR, 25th November 2003 «Generous use is made of anecdotes andc case histories throughout to support the theory. the book illustrates the mistakes made by others, and the means to deliver projects on time and to cost.» —Building Services Journal, April 2004
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