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Steven S., The Indomitable Investor. Why a Few Succeed in the Stock Market When Everyone Else Fails

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781118224335

Описание книги

A new approach to investing based on how Wall Street insiders approach the market The Indomitable Investor deconstructs the stock market as the public has come to know it and reconstitutes it from the inside out from the perspective of the fortunate few who dominate Wall Street. By revealing how top investors and traders think and act Steven Sears shows the stock market to be an undulating ocean of money, with seasoned investors reading the waves others cannot. Teaching readers to think about the market in radically different ways, The Indomitable Investor shows how to improve returns—and, just as importantly, avoid losses—with disciplines deployed by people who almost always do exactly the opposite of what Wall Street says to do. Laying bare great fallacies, the book explains that non-professional investors wrongly think the stock market is a place to make money, which is what Wall Street wants them to try to do. The Indomitable Investor says otherwise and shows how Wall Street"s best investors have a completely different focus. Explains the critical ideas and insights of top traders and investors in language anyone can understand and implement Packed with material rarely shared off Wall Street that is used every day by professional investors Introduces the 17 most important words on Wall Street Teaches critical skills, including: How to increase returns by focusing on risk, not potential profits; how to use the stock market"s historical patterns to optimize investment decisions; understanding key relationships between stocks and the economy that predict what will happen to stocks and the broader market; how to increase mutual fund returns with an easy adjustment that redirects the bulk of profits to you—not mutual fund companies, and how to analyze information like seasoned investors to move beyond «statement of the obvious» news reports that turn ordinary investors into Dumb Money Accessible to readers of all backgrounds, including those with a limited understanding of investing, The Indomitable Investor will change how investors view the stock market, Wall Street, and themselves.

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