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David N., The Future of Nonprofits. Innovate and Thrive in the Digital Age

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781118063798

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Ever heard of an internal entrepreneur? You might know the type. They’re kind of employee who pushes mercilessly towards the trends of the future. Often looked at as a little bit outside the mainstream, more often than not the decisions this internal entrepreneur makes on behalf of an organization pay off in spades. So what makes an internal entrepreneur? How can you, as a nonprofit, create a culture that rewards futuring, internal entrepreneurs and innovation and doesn’t shut it down? The book “The Future of Nonprofits: Thrive and Innovate in the Digital Age” helps organizations do those very things. Better predicting future trends helps to reshape culture, creating the kind of environment ripe for positive growth in this fast changing world we work in today. Designed for nonprofit employees on all levels, the book will become a go to handbook for those interested in adapting in the modern world, not looking to be left behind. The Future of Nonprofits helps organizations capitalize on internal innovation. Innovative nonprofits are able to better predict future trends to remake and reshape their culture, structure, and staff to be a more nimble and lean. By applying the strategies laid out in this book, nonprofit professionals of all levels can prepare their organizations to take advantage of future trends and develop innovative “internal entrepreneurs” that will grow revenue and drive their mission. Provides nonprofits with a comprehensive playbook on how to create a new, more flexible, innovative organization Provides nonprofits a look at the future of fundraising and communications trends into 2016 Case studies highlight successes and failures Highlights the power and strength of Social Media Hightlights how to hire, train, manage and inspire “internal entrepreneurial” employees Features actionable advice on creating an organization that is primed to grow and thrive in the immediate and long-term future This game-changing book reveals how every nonprofit can put technology, innovation and future trends to work to reach their mission and grow revenue.

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