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Ryan D., Y-Size Your Business. How Gen Y Employees Can Save You Money and Grow Your Business

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9780470583364

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In today"s economy, maximizing the performance of every employee is critical to business survival and growth. Gen Y—sometimes called Millennials—provides an enticing opportunity for employers to increase their short-term profitability and create a long-term competitive advantage. Almost 80 million strong, Gen Y is the fastest growing segment in the US workforce—and now comprises the entire 18 to 32 demographic. Along with their ever-present cell phone and occasional backpack, Gen Y brings tremendous potential and timely skills to the workplace (just ask, they’ll tell you). However, Gen Y can be notoriously difficult to attract, retain, motivate, and develop. Gen Y"s new approach to work makes them a growing challenge or strategic opportunity—depending entirely on how you choose to employ them. In Y-Size Your Business, Jason Ryan Dorsey, The Gen Y Guy, presents a step-by-step methodology for best employing Gen Y without investing a lot of time or money. A member of Gen Y himself he delivers an insider"s view of his generation as well as more than fifty cost-effective, ready-to-use strategies that deliver immediate measurable results. Dorsey collected these creative strategies from the frontlines of business during his work with executives, managers, and entrepreneurs in businesses large and small around the world. He shows you exactly how to attract the best Gen Y employees, quickly develop their workplace skills, and then unlock their performance, motivation, and loyalty. Reveals creative ways to attract, retain, motivate, and develop Gen Y employees without paying them more money (or meeting their Mom) Includes a behind-the-scenes view of Gen Y from someone in Gen Y (including why they text message without vowels) Explains the primary workplace differences between the four generations and how to leverage their strengths Features funny, outrageous, and candid stories that expose the generation gap in the office (Is that a tattoo?) Helps you view the Gen Y employee life cycle and key business operations in a new way—one you can use to your business and career advantage Companies that wisely choose to embrace Gen Y today will be well positioned to navigate the global economy tomorrow. Not only will these companies benefit from the talents and ambitions of Gen Y—they’ll also benefit from Gen Y"s increasing economic influence as well as their massive social networks. Based on Dorsey"s work with business leaders at companies around the world, as a keynote speaker, consultant, and generational expert, Y-Size Your Business presents precisely the solutions you need to make the most of an increasingly important generation that is ready to make an impact from their first day at work (and then blog about it!).

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