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Daniel L., Business Secrets from the Bible. Spiritual Success Strategies for Financial Abundance

John Wiley & Sons Limited, , 9781118749203

Описание книги

Find success in finance, friendships, , and spirituality with the advice of a well-known expert It"s safe to say that nearly everyone is seeking a happier, more successful life. So then why do so few attain it? Business Secrets from the Bible proposes a new way to view and approach success—one based upon key concepts from the Bible that are actually surprisingly simple. Written especially for those seeking success in the realms of money, relationships, and spirituality, this book encourages readers to realize their common mistakes, come to terms with them, and turn those mistakes into future triumphs. Filled with concrete advice for improved finances, spirituality, and connection, this resource takes a practical approach and aims to change not just the minds, but the actions of readers with a self-evident and persuasive pathway. Drawing on his wisdom and knowledge of the Bible, the author reveals the clear link between making money and spirituality, and urges readers to focus on self-discipline, integrity, and character strength in order to achieve personal prosperity. Special emphasis is given to establishing positive attitudes toward making money and adopting effective Biblically-based strategies. Demonstrates how earnings and profits are God"s reward for forming relationships with others and serving them Stresses the importance of service, sharing, change, leadership, and creating boundaries and structures Encourages readers to focus on other people"s desires and teaches why and how to make connections with many people Suggests ways for readers to transform themselves and continue toward success even in the face of fear and uncertainty Attaining wealth and well-being is no longer a mystery. Let this book identify and correct the errors that are keeping you from fulfillment and happiness.

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