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Taylor B., The Bird Atlas. A Pictorial Guide to the World`s Birdlife

Dorling Kindersley, 2021 г., 9780241412794

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Описание книги

Take a peek inside the beautiful and absorbing world of birds with this lavishly illustrated children"s bird atlas. From the Amazon Rainforest to the Arctic, this fully-fledged bird guide will take you on a guided tour, continent by continent, to meet some of the most spectacular birds in the world! Inside the pages of this children"s atlas, you"ll discover: - A visual guide to the birds around the world, their habitats, geography, and climate with exquisite, hand-drawn illustrations and maps from Richard Orr. - The different countries and continents of the world and the birds that live there - Why some species are endangered and what can be done to protect them. - Fascinating facts about birds including: why flamingos are pink, which bird can sprint faster than a horse, and how the booby got its name. Get ready to journey through different biomes, like rivers and desserts, to discover fun facts about birds that will fascinate and inspire every budding ornithologist. Packed with hundreds of life-like illustrations, this educational book is a pictorial guide to the birds of the world. It showcases birds from every continent as you"ve never seen before with detailed maps pinpointing where different species of birds can be found. See magnificent snowy owls in the Arctic, tiny three-wattled bellbirds in the Caribbean, and towering ostriches in Africa. A Truly Breathtaking Celebration of Birdlife The Bird Atlas is arranged in order of continent - Europe, Asia, Africa, Australasia, North America, South America, and Antarctica. Every continent is introduced with an overview of the ecology, climate, and landscape, and the typical and incredible birds that live there. This children"s bird book is the perfect introduction to our feathered friends and makes a great gift for the new generation of birdwatchers. More from DK Books: Don"t miss out on more fascinating atlases! After exploring the world of birds in The Bird Atlas, your child can move on to The Body Atlas to discover the inner workings of the human body. Next up is The Animal Atlas that takes children on a tour to meet the animals of the world.

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