Feeling put off by phrasal verbs? English for Everyone: English Phrasal Verbs can help you to understand the context and definitions of over 1,000 of the most common phrasal verbs.
Phrasal verbs (two- or three-part verbs such as \"put off\", \"put on\", \"put up with\") are incredibly useful but notoriously difficult to learn. English for Everyone: Phrasal Verbs uses the same combination of visual teaching and crystal-clear definitions as the rest of the English for Everyone series to make one of the most difficult aspects of learning English much easier.
Take your practical English usage to the next level and build your confidence in spoken and written English through clear modules and simplified explanations based on everyday topics such as technology, relationships, work and more. With supporting audio available online, sample sentences throughout the book, and practice exercises, English for Everyone: English Phrasal Verbs can help you confidently progress your English language from advanced to fluent in both social and business environments.
About English For Everyone
English for Everyone is a series of guides and practice books that support English learning for teenagers and adults from a beginner level, to intermediate, and advanced practical English. Offering a fun and easy-to-follow format that offers guidance for both teaching English as a foreign language, and a self-study approach with resources available to improve English speaking, reading and writing.
Whether you are looking for ESL teaching resources or a structured programme for students to learn English as a second language, the English for Everyone Series provides:
- Sample language examples: New language topics are introduced in context using clear, illustrated, and colour-coded explanations
- Supporting audio: Extensive English-speaking audio materials integrated into every unit, giving vital oral and listening practice. (All supplementary audio is available on the DK English for Everyone website and IOS/Android App).
- Quick referencing: Easy-to-follow units for easy referencing and teaching
- Sentence formation guides: Visual break downs of essential English grammar for beginners, showing learners how to recreate even complex English sentences
- Visual English vocabulary cues: Lists of useful English words and common phrases with visual aids are available throughout the book
The English for Everyone Series covers the skills and topics required for all major global English-language exams and reference frameworks including:
В предлагаемом пособии представлен обширный материал, посвященный двум заключительным и сложным темам ЕГЭ профильного уровня: задачам с параметрами и числам и их свойствам.
На многочисленных примерах с подробными решениями и обоснованиями (как и требуется на экзамене) показаны различные методы и решения задач....
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