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Mills A., Munsey L., Saunders C., Animal Ultimate Handbook. The Need-to-Know Facts and Stats on More Than 200 Animals

Dorling Kindersley, 2022 г., 9780241538685

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Описание книги

Take a tour of the animal kingdom and learn everything there is to know about the wildlife that inhabit the Earth in this complete guide to animals. Introducing Animal Ultimate Handbook, the latest title in DK"s Ultimate Handbook series which takes you on a journey of a lifetime as you discover some of the world"s most incredible mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and insects. Whether you are trekking through the hot and humid rainforest, exploring the dark depths of the ocean, or climbing the snow-capped, icy mountains, you will learn all about some of the extraordinary animals that live on Earth. This ultimate kids" factbook book includes must-know facts and stats about more than 200 species of animal, from where they live to how they communicate with one another, and much, much more. With modern, detailed illustrations and unique information confirmed by our own animal expert, this book is perfect for inquisitive, young animal-lovers. Explore the animal kingdom like you"ve never done before and discover: -Features captivating, detailed illustrations of the animal kingdom -Full of unique and interesting facts and stats on more than 200 different animals -Special features about animals diets, habitats, communication, and more -Full of detailed illustrations, engaging information and essential facts and statistics about more than 200 animal species With this highly engaging animal book, you will learn to tell your dolphins from your porpoises, predators from your prey, and carnivores from your herbivores. The handbook style format allows children to be introduced to the topic of animals in a way that is detailed, without being overwhelming or talking down to them. The interactive "Head to head!" pages feature two animals against one another in a category such as speed or strength, analysing which one would emerge victorious and highlighting the amazing features of different animals. DK"s Animal Ultimate Handbook is ideal for sparking curiosity and is certain to amaze any child aged 6+ interested in the animals, doubling up as a must-have volume for parents, care-givers and educators seeking a fun, non-fiction animal book for children. So if you love the outdoors and want to know everything about the fantastic wildlife that live there, then this book will make the perfect companion and a great addition to your bookshelf.

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