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Sirett D., My First Words. Let`s Get Talking

Dorling Kindersley, 2022 г., 9780241533376

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Описание книги

Learn first words and get talking with this busy board book for little ones! Can you spot the fluffy teddy bear? Where is the fluttering butterfly? From toys and farm animals to shapes and things that go, babies and toddlers will love pointing to and naming the different objects, with this perfect first-word book for curious children. Each section of this engaging and educational book is dedicated to a different theme, such as food and shapes. Bright, colourful photographs illustrate each word, with easy-to-read labels so your little one can sound out the words with you. The interactive book encourages children to count the shapes, and name their favourite food. This delivers a rounded early learning reading experience, and helps your little one develop early speaking, listening, and observation skills. Dive into the pages of this busy board book to discover: -Over 180 colour photographs of animals, toys, other children, household objects, food, drink, favourite place and more -Corresponding word labels to all photographs for little ones to learn -Chunky board book with safe, rounded tabs, thoroughly safety tested for babies and toddlers First words are grouped into 13 distinct subject areas so kids can turn to their favourites and even take the book with them to learn the names of objects wherever they go including: clothes, parts of the body and face, around the house, at the park, on the farm, at the beach, food and drink, pets, toys, animals and more! The book has strong board pages made especially for young children. The chunky tabs along the top and side are easy to grab to help with early motor control. Nursery school children will quickly recognise the picture on the tab which will take them straight to the page with their favourite pictures. So, what"s new? This revised edition has been updated for a more modern look. There are new fonts, word labels are straight for easy reading, talking points now stand out in colourful lozenges, some words and images have been updated or changed to suit the next generation of readers! This board book for babies is sure to delight little ones aged 0-3.

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