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King S., The Secret Explorers and the Missing Scientist

серия: The Secret Explorers
Dorling Kindersley, 2021 г., 9780241442296

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Описание книги

Learn all about polar expeditions and the Arctic in this climate-related instalment of DK Books" new educational fiction series for children. Meet the Secret Explorers - a band of brainiac kids from all around the world. Everyone in this diverse group of young experts has a speciality, from outer space to dinosaurs, and each story follows a character who gets chosen for a \"secret exploration\". In this fun, fact-filled children"s book, engineering expert Kiki and Connor the marine biologist are sent on a mission to the Arctic. There they discover a research vessel studying the effects of climate change that has become trapped in the sea ice. To make matters worse, one of the ship"s scientists who went to find help at a nearby research station hasn"t returned. It"s up to the Secret Explorers to find the scientist, free the ship, and save the day! Kids will love turning the pages to find out if the Secret Explorers manage to succeed in their mission! Enter the frozen world... With a thrilling narrative that keeps kids engaged, The Secret Explorers and the Missing Scientist book by SJ King is the perfect gift for children who are into all things arctic. It"s written for children aged 7-9 years, with lots of information on the arctic world and the effects of melting sea ice. At the end of the book, you"ll find \"Kiki"s Mission Notes\" which is a summary of all the scientific facts and discoveries made throughout the story. With fun illustrations, quizzes, and a vocabulary list, the educational value of this book is outstanding and great for a classroom read! Get Ready to join the Secret Explorers Club The Secret Explorers series is a reminder to kids that they are limited only by their imagination and teaches them that learning is fun! But most of all, these educational books encourage children to believe that they can become experts in something they love. This edge-of-your-seat adventure book is packed with: - Fun facts and illustrations about polar bears - Simple and engaging explanations on how to survive in arctic conditions - Quizzes, mission notes, and a glossary of words with definitions

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