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Macfarlane A., Macfarlane L., The Gut-Loving Cookbook

Pavilion Books Group, 2020 г., 9781911682141

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Описание книги

A follow-up to The Gut Stuff, this is an accessible, easy-to-follow cookbook that offers easy How-Tos so you can add fermented food seamlessly into your daily diet for a healthy, happy gut. All recipes have been carefully constructed to include the top three most important elements for a healthy digestive system… variety, fibre and ferments. Welcome to The Gut Stuff dinner table, you CAN sit with us. Think of this book as snacking at the back of a biology lesson, dip in and out, try and read the juicy text bits and make sure you pass along your favourite parts to your classmates. We peer into the wonderful world of food through the magnificent lens of gut health, but we’d like you to add on “your health” at the end of the telescope – this is your toolkit, not a rulebook. This is a practical cookbook with recipes that work with easily accessible ingredients to include the top three most important elements for a healthy digestive system; variety, fibre and ferments – but don’t think this book is all “holier than thou” super salads and sauerkraut (although there is a recipe for that); we’re talking generous food that is familiar, friendly and most importantly “gut-ilicious” – from Mac n Cheese to Jackfruit Tacos, Sourdough Pizzas and Shepherd’s Pie to beautifully generous salads and cheeky Kombucha Mocktails. Google searches for gut health increased by over 400% between 2015 and 2020; with the increased consumption of processed foods, lack of fruit and vegetables in our diets and popularity of low-carbohydrate diets and/or fasting, gut health has been somewhat cast aside and we’re here to bring it BACK. (“We’re bringing fibre back” *In the style of Justin Timberlake’s “SexyBack”*) We include some our favourite tips too! Cupboards full of spices and don’t know which spice girls to put in the band? The Gut-Loving Cookbook contains a handy guide to get them singing harmoniously together. Comprehensive shopping lists ensure your fridge and freezer are going to have serious glow ups. Speed-dating profiles on different types of ferments mean that you won’t get confused with pickles (like we did!) and so much more. Chapters include: Breakfasts, Easy Lunches, Simple Dinners, Drinks and Snacks and Ferments.

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