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Marrs J., The Minders

серия: Vintage Classics Library
Random House, 2020 г., 9781529100655

Описание книги

The new high concept thriller from the author of the word-of-mouth sensation THE ONE - soon to be a Netflix original series. The new Black Mirror-esque thriller from the author of the word-of-mouth sensation THE ONE - soon to be a Netflix original series. Five strangers guard our secrets.Only four can be trusted...In the 21st century, information is king. But computers can be hacked and files can be broken into - so a unique government initiative has been born. Five ordinary people have been selected to become Minders - the latest weapon in thwarting cyberterrorism. Transformed by a revolutionary medical procedure, the country"s most classified information has been taken offline and turned into genetic code implanted inside their heads. Together, the five know every secret - the truth behind every government lie, conspiracy theory and cover up. In return, they"re given the chance to leave their problems behind and a blank slate to start their lives anew. But not everyone should be trusted, especially when they each have secrets of their own they"ll do anything to protect... "Marrs is brilliant at twists and for the addicts of adrenaline-fuelled twisty rides" PETER JAMES "One of the most exciting, original thriller writers out there. I never miss one of his books" SIMON KERNICK \"Gripping! It"s so incredibly intense; a twisted roller coaster so fast-paced you literally cannot move or attempt to do anything else. John Marrs has a unique formula and it"s magnificent. This storyline of shocks, thrills and intensity. It"s not only fascinating but overwhelmingly frightening too.\"- Totally Booked\"A total delight. A hugely enthralling thriller, I will read more John Marrs, as he"s one not to be missed from now on in my bookish world.\" - What Do I Read Now? \"It"s not far-fetched, it"s so close you can almost touch it. The hunt was merciless. It was breath-taking, delivered with punchy and pacey chapters. John Marrs knows how to throw punches! The Minders is an absolute belter of a book. John Marrs is a genius writer who reeled me in again with an addictive, more-real than real, edge-of-your-seat and twisty tale of what might await us sooner than we think.\" - Chocolate"n" Waffles

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