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Hoare B., An Anthology of Intriguing Animals

Dorling Kindersley, 2018 г., 9780241334393

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Reveal the stories behind your favourite creatures with this awe-inspiring animal book for curious kids aged 7-9. The animal kingdom is so much bigger than young minds can fathom and there is always more to learn. An Anthology of Intriguing Animals is a stunning animal encyclopedia for young readers to explore, with reference pages packed with fascinating information, little learners will be captivated as they discover the facts, stories and myths behind their favourite animals. Whether it"s where the slow-motion sloth lives, how the plodding pangolin protects itself from predators, or which animal the Ancient Egyptians thought rolled the Sun across the sky, children can learn all sorts of fun animal facts from the storybook descriptions. This beautiful modern bestiary lets you find the animals that interest you and uncover new favourites along the way. From tigers and chameleons to wolves and owls there"s an animal for everyone in this compendium of creatures. Each type of animal is shown both photographically and illustrated, and children will love poring over the detailed close-up images. The engaging storybook-style descriptions and simple text shed a light on the wonders of wildlife and array of animals, perfect for children aged 7-9 to love and explore for hours on end. Celebrate your child"s curiosity as they: - Explore detailed photographs and striking illustrations of animals around the world - Reveal fun facts and myths about a wide range of animals - Uncover more than 100 animals, each with stunning images and captivating information. This animal encyclopedia for children is the perfect blend of storybook style text with out of this world illustrations which makes it a fantastic animal book for children who are obsessed with the animal kingdom. Encourage young readers to go on a journey to explore a world of information, making this the ideal first reference book for kids aged 7-9 to enjoy for hours on end, whether reading with the family or reading alone, this fun fact book also doubles up as the perfect gift for curious kids who love to learn. Explore the diversity of the animal kingdom whilst uncovering: -Stunning Jacket Detail: gold foil, holographic foil & metallic gold edges -Stunning photography & illustrations inside -A beautiful book for the whole family to treasure -A quality gift to be passed down through the generations

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