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Bird M., Hawthorne N., Maskell H., Classical Mythology. Legends of the Ancient World

Arcturus, 2019 г., 9781789503692

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Описание книги

Travel back to a time when divine beings mixed with mortals, when heroes battled sorcerers, and nature was a mysterious realm ruled by beautiful and dangerous deities. From the legends of Hercules and the Titans, to the tales of the underworld and the destruction of Troy, this elegant collection contains more than 40 fascinating tales retold by a selection of expert storytellers. Beautifully illustrated with dramatic scenes from master artists of previous centuries, these enduring myths have formed a major part of Western culture for millennia and continue to capture our imaginations today.

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Содержание книги

Pluto and Proserpine
By HP. Maskell
Pan and Syrinx
By Mrs. Guy E. Lloyd
The Story of Phaeton
By MM. Bird
By V.C. Turnbull
The Story of Daphne
By MM. Bird
Deucalion and Pyrrha
By MM. Bird
tpimetheus and Pandora
By Nathaniel Hawthorne
turopa and the God-bull
By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Cadmus and the Dragon`s Teeth
By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Orpheus and turydice
By V.C. Turnbull
Hercules and the Golden Apples
By Nathaniel Hawthorne
I. Hercules and the Old Man of the Sea
II. Hercules and Atlas
Hercules and Nessus
By H.P. Maskell
The Quest of the Golden Pleece
By MM. Bird
How Theseus Pound his Father
By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Theseus and the Witch Medea
By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Theseus Goes to Slay the Minotaur
By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Theseus and Ariadne
By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Paris and Oenone
By V.C. Turnbull
By Mrs. Guy E. Lloyd
By Mrs. Guy E. Lloyd
The Death of Hector
By V.C. Turnbull
The Wooden Horse
By E Storr
The Sack of Troy
By E Storr
The Death of A jax
By E Storr
The flight of /Eneas from Troy
By E Storr
Eneas and Dido
By V.C. Turnbull
/Eneas in Hades
By V.C. Turnbull
Nisus and Euryalus
By E Storr
Ulysses in Hades
By MM. Bird
Circe`s Palace
By Nathaniel Hawthorne
ulysses and the Cyclops
By Hope Moncrieff
The Sirens
By V.C. Turnbull
The Story of Nausicaa
By MM. Bird
The Homecoming of Ulysses
By MM. Bird
bauds and Philemon
By HP. Maskell
By V.C. Turnbull
Oedipus at Colonos
By Mrs. Guy E.Lloyd
By H.P. Maskell
Perseus and Andromeda
By V.C. Turnbull
Meleager and Atalanta
By H.P. Maskell
The Story of Daedalus and Icarus
By MM. Bird
Scylla the Daughter of Nisus
By Mrs. Guy E. Lloyd
The Story of Pyramus and Thisbe
By MM. Bird
Hero and Leander
By Mrs. Guy E. Lloyd
Pygmalion and the Image
By E Storr
Cephalus and Procris
By H.P. Maskell
Echo and Narcissus
By Thomas Bulfinch
The Ring of Polycrates
By MM. Bird
Romulus and Remus
By Mrs. Guy E. Lloyd
Picture credits

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