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Anderson R., Dark Psychology. Master the Advanced Secrets of Psychological Warfare, Covert Persuasion, Dark NLP, Stealth Mind Control, Dark Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Maximum Manipulation, and Human Psychology

2019 г., 110 стр., 9781951030278

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Dark Psychology Series Book #3You've just discovered the book that will change your life and how you see the world forever. It exposes the real methods people use to control others. By the end of this book, your eyes will have been opened and you will understand more than you ever expected.People will bow to your will, rely on you to show them the way and unknowingly follow your every whim. You can take what you want when you want and where you want. Nothing will be able to stand in your way!This book walks you through the most powerful dark psychology techniques ever created. You will learn advanced techniques for persuasion, NLP, CBT, social manipulation, subliminal messaging, psychological warfare, body language, and deception. Can you handle that kind of power?This book will launch you into command of every situation and allow you to control every person you meet. It will teach you how to protect your allies and annihilate your enemies. You will become an unstoppable force of order and control in this mad world.These methods are no trivial matter. Many have died or otherwise suffered at the hands of people discovering them. The world is a darker and scarier place because of the presence of this knowledge.Even if you don't plan to dominate the world and rule with an iron fist, the techniques within this book will serve you well. They will reveal the plots and ploys your enemies will use to try and take you out, giving you the chance to react before it's too lat...

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