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Tahir U., Impact of Motivations to Generate User-Generated Content on Purchasing Decisions of Consumers of Hospitality Industry in Pakistan

, 100 стр., 9783656960126

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Thesis (M.A.) from the year 2014 in the subject Business economics - Marketing, Corporate Communication, CRM, Market Research, Social Media, grade: 3.7, Lovely Professional University, Punjab (IBIT), course: marketing, language: English, abstract: Social networking has become a vital component of the current era which is not only being utilized by the public but also the corporate sector is using it for marketing purposes. The success of social web as a marketing tool is because of its enormous usage and it bears minimum cost to the firms. Over the past few decades the use of personal computers and laptops has increased dramatically. Moreover the use of Internet and the social websites is progressing among the users. Different business companies are taking the advantage of this trend and are using social network as a vehicle to reach millions of their customers and repeat buyers. For industry such as hospitality industry where it is extremely important to stay in touch with customers constantly and provide them latest updates regarding the services, social networking sites are being considered one of the most effective and efficient tool. However the corporate firms are not utilizing this platform to its maximum level and there is still lot more potential that has to explored and understood. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of the customer/user generated advertisement on the hospitality industry and analyze the different marketing strategies being implement...

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