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Главная  » Тематика определяется » The Rhode Island Gunners. Four Accounts by Union Army Artillerymen from the 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery During the American Civil War-Battery D, First Rhode Island Light Artillery by G. C. Sumner & Three Personal Narratives of the Rhode Islan...

E. K., G. C., J. A., The Rhode Island Gunners. Four Accounts by Union Army Artillerymen from the 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery During the American Civil War-Battery D, First Rhode Island Light Artillery by G. C. Sumner & Three Personal Narratives of the Rhode Islan...

2015 г., 232 стр., 9781782824749

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Книга "The Rhode Island Gunners. Four Accounts by Union Army Artillerymen from the 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery During the American Civil War-Battery D, First Rhode Island Light Artillery by G. C. Sumner & Three Personal Narratives of the Rhode Island Soldie".Four accounts of Union gunners in actionPosterity has been fortunate in that many participants in the war between the states, the American Civil War, decided to write books about their experiences and also about the regiments or corps in which they served. Today, every perspective on those pivotal events is invaluable because, inevitably, the time has come when they are a finite resource for historians to study. However, there is nothing more important for historians than the cross-referenced detail in several books on the same subject, by different authors, to provide a verifiable and accurate view of events. This book, written by former members of the Rhode Island Artillery, brings together in a single volume four recollections of the Civil War the Union gunners knew. Battery D of the First Rhode Island Light Artillery saw much action in the course of the war notably at Second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredricksburg, the Wilderness, Fishers Hill and Cedar Creek among other engagements.Leonaur editions are newly typeset and are not facsimiles; each title is available in softcover and hardback with dustjacket; our hardbacks are cloth bound and feature gold foil lettering on their spines and fabric head and tail...

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