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Главная  » Тематика определяется » The 90th & 91st Aero Squadrons. Two Accounts of American Pilots and Aircraft During the First World War-The Ninetieth Aero Squadron American Expeditionary Forces by Leland M. Carver, Gustaf A. Lindstrom and A. T. Foster & History of the 91st Aero ...

George C., Horace M., Leland M., The 90th & 91st Aero Squadrons. Two Accounts of American Pilots and Aircraft During the First World War-The Ninetieth Aero Squadron American Expeditionary Forces by Leland M. Carver, Gustaf A. Lindstrom and A. T. Foster & History of the 91st Aero ...

2015 г., 160 стр., 9781782824503

Описание книги

Книга "The 90th & 91st Aero Squadrons. Two Accounts of American Pilots and Aircraft During the First World War-The Ninetieth Aero Squadron American Expeditionary Forces by Leland M. Carver, Gustaf A. Lindstrom and A. T. Foster & History of the 91st Aero Squadron".The U. S Army's 'eyes in the sky' on the Western FrontThe enormous loss of life among European populations in the First World War created a sense of national sacrifice which is memorialised in virtually every city, town and village. So it is understandable why Europeans have viewed the Great War as their conflict to the detriment of the contribution made by the United States of America, which joined the Allied cause in April 1917 when the fighting had taken its toll for almost three years. The war ended in November 1918 and victory was in no small measure due to the contribution American Forces made at sea, on land and in the skies. America's sacrifice might be thought small by the standard of losses in this war, but still almost 322,000 were killed or wounded. This book concerns the wartime actions of two flying squadrons of the American Expeditionary Force. The 90th Aero Squadron was a short range corps observation unit providing tactical reconnaissance flying Salmsons and Breguets, and with Sopwiths and Spads in a fighter role, for III Corps of the U. S Army. The squadron flew 256 missions over the Western Front. The 91st Aero Squadron, by contrast, was a long range strategic reconn...

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