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Главная  » Тематика определяется » Motoring to War. Accounts of Motor Vehicles from the Boer War & the First World War-Motor Transports in War by Horace Wyatt, \"Get There!\" (Extract) and \"Treat `Em Rough!\" (Extract) by E. Alexander Powell & The Dennis 30 cwt. Chassis by Dennis Bros...

E. A., Horace W., Motoring to War. Accounts of Motor Vehicles from the Boer War & the First World War-Motor Transports in War by Horace Wyatt, \"Get There!\" (Extract) and \"Treat `Em Rough!\" (Extract) by E. Alexander Powell & The Dennis 30 cwt. Chassis by Dennis Bros...

2013 г., 172 стр., 9781782822066

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Книга "Motoring to War. Accounts of Motor Vehicles from the Boer War & the First World War-Motor Transports in War by Horace Wyatt, "Get There!" (Extract) and "Treat 'Em Rough!" (Extract) by E. Alexander Powell & The Dennis 30 cwt. Chassis by Dennis Bros., Ltd.".The motorised wheels of war begin to turnIn 1914 as the B. E. F was quickly hurried to the battle lines-by whatever means possible-British troops were amused to see familiar commercial vehicles trundle past, resplendent with their colourful advertisements for household products. The French civilian population was equally amused, bemused and occasionally confused by this incongruous sight. The Great War, with powered flying machines, submarines, motor transport and tanks, was the first major mechanised war. The invention of the internal combustion engine metamorphosed the waging of war. Motor transport could efficiently move both men and materials, the dispatch rider was no longer the glittering aide-de-camp but a drab, goggled corporal on a motorcycle, and weapons of destruction could be carried behind the steel plating of motorised armoured cars and tanks. This subject fascinates those interested in the history of modern warfare and to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War in 1914, the Leonaur Editors have compiled this special three-in-one book about the Great War from the perspective of 'the motor.' The first title here is an excellent overview of the ...

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