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Fung A., William J., Anti Inflammatory Diet - The Science and Art of Anti Inflammatory Diet. A Complete Beginner.s Guide to Heal the Immune System and Manage the Symptoms of Chronic Inflammation and Hypertension

, 52 стр., 9781646150069

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Did You Know that the Anti-Inflammatory Diet can Lead to a Longer, Healthier Life?Inflammation is absolutely important to the human body. It’s an essential part of the healing process. Your body may feel the need to perform better fighting inflammation, and that’s where the Anti-inflammatory diet comes in. This nutrient rich diet excludes processed meats and refined sugar, making you lose weight faster than you ever dreamed!The Anti-Inflammatory Diet is particularly efficient against the following diseases: Diabetes Obesity Heart disease Metabolic syndrome Psoriasis It can also reduce the risk of some cancers, specially the colorectal cancer. With the tips on ‘Anti Inflammatory Diet - The Science and Art of Anti Inflammatory Diet’ you can take your body to a whole new level and start losing the stubborn fats you’ve always hated.An alarming statistic shows that 62% of the american adult population is obese. It’s time to act! Read this book now and start following a diet that will actually present real results. What can you learn from this book? All the foods you can include on your diet, and the ones you can’t. It provides expert tips that helps you to understand the impact each food has on your body. Tasty recipes to build a balanced meal plan that provides your body everything it needs to be healthy, energized, and stronger day by day; Valuable wisdom that helps you build a strong mindset to keep you from giving up on your diet. Cool diet tip: Always have healthy snacks like...

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