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Dr. J., Marriage . As God Intended It to Be.. Reversing the Trends of Today.s Society

, 172 стр., 9781644584750

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For young couples and singles who aspire to enter the institution of marriage and for couples who are currently married, separated, divorced, or widowed, it is important to know that it is possible to enjoy a lifelong, divorce-free marriage. For this to happen, an individual must understand the following concepts: Marriage is not man’s invention; marriage is God’s idea. The inventor of marriage (God) has provided a complete “manual” (the Bible) for marriage. For marriage to be at its best, a married couple must read, understand, embrace, and apply the concepts outlined in the Bible. The ultimate purpose of marriage is to demonstrate God’s glory in the world. The God of the Bible is a God of second chances who understands our failures, freely offers His forgiveness for our failures through Jesus Christ, and gives us the opportunity to have a fresh start at life regardless of where we may be in life’s journey.This book was written to provide guidance directly from the marriage inventor’s perspective to everyone who aspires to be married or is currently married and offer hope to couples who are separated, divorced, or widowed. It provides clear biblical instruction and guidance in a comprehensive, yet easy-to-read study of all major aspects of marriage.The author, Dr. J. E. Samson, has spent several years teaching marriage classes and, together with his wife, leading marriage seminars and workshops at the local churches with which he has been associated. This book is a product o...

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