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Shelly A., Willis T., 42 Rules for Engaging Members Through Gamification. Unlock the Secrets of Motivation, Community and Fun

2015 г., 126 стр., 9781607731191

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Play predates the development of human culture and our brains are hard-wired to use play as a tool to accelerate learning, strategically explore unfamiliar environments and develop collaborative social connections. Games are human created, formalized structures and processes designed to maximize engagement and get the most out of the "play" impulse. In fact, gaming comes so naturally to us we don't even notice it for what it is.Two examples of large scale gaming structures include our educational and political systems. Going deeper into understanding how gaming structures work, and intentionally applying those mechanics can give us an advantage when designing experiences meant to engage our members in the work of our associations.Although games have been with us since we first learned to scratch marks on small rocks, what is new is the impact the internet and technology is having on games and players alike. What was simple activity in the past, is rapidly turning into a large scale social phenomenon. At some point the term "gamer" will lose it relevancy and we will recognize gamers for what they are - an increasingly sophisticated class of experience consumers.Games are the first mass media of the 21st century and gaming literacy is an essential skill all executives, staff and volunteers need to develop in order to attract, appeal to and invite a new generation of players to play the association game.In this book, we take a simple, practical approach to he...

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