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Главная  » Тематика определяется » The V.A.Ds. Accounts of the Voluntary Aid Detachment During the First World War 1914-18-A Green Tent in Flanders by Maud Mortimer, A V.A.D. in France by Olive Dent . Britain.s Civilian Volunteers by Thekla Bowser

Maud M., Olive D., Thekla B., The V.A.Ds. Accounts of the Voluntary Aid Detachment During the First World War 1914-18-A Green Tent in Flanders by Maud Mortimer, A V.A.D. in France by Olive Dent . Britain.s Civilian Volunteers by Thekla Bowser

, 460 стр., 9781782823100

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Three accounts of the brave women volunteers of the V.A.Ds during the Great War Although the wars of the later 19th century, such as the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War, offered insights into what warfare would become as the industrial age developed, nothing could prepare anyone for the global conflict that became the First World War. Here was a lethal combination of warring nations, whose troops were armed with the most sophisticated weapons that technology could devise, each with the means of mass production to manufacture and deliver them. For the first time it was possible to wage war on a grand scale on land, in the air and beneath and upon the oceans. This was a war where millions of men took part in battle and, in consequence, stripped the production and support services workforces from their home countries. Women, already impatient for political reform, stepped forward to make a vital contribution to the war effort and in so doing changed their status in western society forever. There were many volunteer organisations who were relied upon to support the fighting troops, including the Scottish Women's Hospitals, the F.A.N.Ys, the Y.M.C.A and those who are the subject of this book-the V.A.Ds-the Voluntary Aid Detachments. Three quarters of V.A.Ds were women and girls and they became ambulance drivers, mechanics, cooks, clerks and learned trades which were normally the province of men. But it is in their role as nurses during the conflict for which the...

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