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Psychographic target group analysis on the basis of an empirical research for the brands Adidas, NIKE and Puma using the innovative approach of the Semiometrie

, 170 стр., 9783640113293

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Master's Thesis from the year 2007 in the subject Business economics - Marketing, Corporate Communication, CRM, Market Research, Social Media, grade: 1,0, University of Applied Sciences Fulda, 36 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: It seems that the mass of consumers break up into many heterogeneous sub-groups. Researchers and marketing experts strongly believe that in the near future, homogenous customer groups will split up into more and smaller target group segments - and each of those segments demand for a unique and certain communication. Against this background and the fact that enterprises have to struggle on homogenous markets with multinational companies in a hard competition; the identification of the exact target group becomes more and more important. The more information the decision-makers have about their target group, the better they can communicate with them. Consequently, an increase in sales is the result. For this reason, the Master-Thesis copes with the innovative psychographic target group approach - the Semiometrie. Hereby, 210 selected words reconstruct the psycho-cultural models that constitute the subconscious system of choice and of the identification of desires of respondents. Beside an extensive explanation of the method, a differentiation from selected models is undertaken by the writer. It is the author's greatest concern, on the one hand to provide a very in-depth under-standing of Semiometrie from the theoretical p...

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  Nike   Adidas 

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