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Ahmed H., Fertilizers Solubility and Absorption by Plants

, 36 стр., 9783656287988

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Document from the year 2012 in the subject Forestry / Forestry Economics, University of Alexandria, language: Arabic, abstract: The process of fertilization is of the most important processes in various plant cultivation stages, and which supplies the plant with the necessary nutritional needs for during the growth period. To maximize the benefits of the fertilization addition we must be fully aware of the factors that interfere and affect the soluble fertilizer in the soil and absorption by the plant. There are many factors that affect fertilization process, starting of the solubility rate in irrigation water and the interactions that take place in the soil solution between the chemical compounds and the last step is to absorb these elements and compounds by plant roots. It is noted that we do not keep in mind when we study the water presence in the soil and its movement through, this the beginning of the rate of dissolves in the water for irrigation and the interactions that take place in solution ground between vehicles and each other and the last step is the absorption of these elements and compounds by plant roots. It is noted that we do not keep in mind when you study for the presence of water in the soil and its movement through, the fact that the liquid phase into the ground is not a pure liquid. The water that enters the soil by rain or irrigation is itself a solution. It is true that rain water is pure when it condenses to be a cloud, but it happens once it starts t...

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