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Главная  » Тематика определяется » The Assegai and the Bayonet. the History of the Zulus during the 19th Century-The Story of the Zulus by J. Y. Gibson, With Two Zulu Accounts of the Battle of Isandhlwana by Bertram Mitford

Bertram M., J. Y., The Assegai and the Bayonet. the History of the Zulus during the 19th Century-The Story of the Zulus by J. Y. Gibson, With Two Zulu Accounts of the Battle of Isandhlwana by Bertram Mitford

, 292 стр., 9781782826996

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A collision of cultures in South AfricaThe principal work in this book was originally published under the title The Story of the Zulus, which might lead the reader to believe it was a work of ethnology. In fact, although the history of the birth and the development of the Zulus and the structure of Zulu society is touched upon briefly the majority of the work concerns the struggles in power, politics and war in eastern Southern Africa during the nineteenth century, concentrating particularly on the arrival of the British in the region and its dealings and collisions with the Zulu nation. Tensions were inevitably always high and bloodshed between the Zulus and Dutch and British settlers became increasingly frequent. The Anglo-Zulu War which inevitably broke out was initially disastrous for British forces. The entire conflict is explained in detail, as is its aftermath, as the fugitive Zulu king was hunted down and eventually captured. A power vacuum among the Zulus then resulted in more bloodshed until peace was eventually established in the region towards the turn of the twentieth century. Also included are two rare first-hand accounts by Zulu warriors who were present at the Battle of Isandlwana. Contains many illustrations, photographs and maps not present in the original edition.Leonaur editions are newly typeset and are not facsimiles; each title is available in softcover and hardback with dustjacket; our hardbacks are cloth bound and feature gold foil lettering on their ...

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