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Главная  » Тематика определяется » Legal Implications on Non-recognition of Somaliland

Mohamed H., Legal Implications on Non-recognition of Somaliland

, 100 стр., 9783659813610

Описание книги

The Republic of Somaliland has made remarkable achievements since 1991 when it declared its independence from the rest of Somalia; it functions as a sovereign state, maintains the security of its borders, provides essential goods and services and represents an oasis of order and good government. However, its citizens have been suffering due to the siege imposed on it by the lack of recognition. Somalilander's are isolated from the international community. They cannot travel easily or trade with the world of which they are part, despite the strategic geographical location they occupy. Education and health facilities are hardly accessible. This is because the government is unable to deliver basic services due to the lack of access to international financial institutions or direct bilateral assistance, trade and foreign investment are handicapped as a result of the lack of recognition. Thus, the author seeks to analyse the legal implications of non-recognition of Somaliland in international law in her quest to attract foreign investment for socio-economic development. It explores the real constraints on the capacity to function as a modern state, both domestically and internationally

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