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Главная  » Тематика определяется » History of the German Settlements and of the Lutheran Church in North and South Carolina. From the Earliest Period of the Colonization of the Dutch, German and Swiss Settlers to the Close of the First Half of the Present Century

Gotthardt D., History of the German Settlements and of the Lutheran Church in North and South Carolina. From the Earliest Period of the Colonization of the Dutch, German and Swiss Settlers to the Close of the First Half of the Present Century

2017 г., 564 стр., 9781556133060

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This volume is a classic work on the German immigration to the Carolinas, and is cited in the Harvard Guide to American History. The first half of the book is a history of the German settlements down through the Revolutionary War, while the balance of the book presents a history of the Lutheran Church in the Carolinas down to 1850. Extensive use is made of extracts from early journals, diaries, and documents. Since the original work lacked an index, a new full-name index has been compiled for this edition. Chapters include: An Account of the Early Colonization of the Dutch, German and Swiss Settlers in the Carolinas; Condition and History of the German Colonies in the Carolinas to the Close of the Revolutionary War; History of the Lutheran Church in the Carolinas from the Close of the Revolutionary War, A.D. 1783, to the Organization of the Synod of North Carolina, A.D. 1803, Embracing a Period of Twenty Years; History of the Lutheran Church in the Carolinas Continued, from the Organization of the North Carolina Synod, A.D. 1803, to the Formation of the First Lutheran General Synod in America, A.D. 1820, Embracing a Period of Seventeen Years; From the Organization of the Tennessee Synod to the Establishment of the Theological Seminary at Lexington, South Carolina, A.D. 1833; and, History of the Lutheran Church in the Carolinas, Continued to the Close of the Year 1850

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