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Дроздова Т.Г., Практическая грамматика английского языка

Антология, 2014 г., 400 стр., 9785949622254

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Учебное пособие предназначено для начинающих и продолжающих изучение английского языка (уровень А1 и А2). Работа с изданием направлена на последовательное детальное изучение основных разделов грамматики английского языка. Объяснения даются на русском языке с использованием таблиц, схем и моделей. В издании более 500 упражнений, выполненных в виде рабочей тетради.Книга содержит ответы-ключи, что позволяет успешно использовать пособие для самостоятельной работы.

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The Verb......71. The Verb “to be”......71.1 The Verb “to be”. Forms and Meanings......71.2 “To Be”: Questions and Negatives......101.3 “There Be” Construction......141.3.1 “There Be”: Questions and Negatives......152. The Verb “to have”......182.1 The Verb “to have”. Forms and Meaning......182.2 Questions and Negatives......202.3 “Have”: Habitual and Repeated Actions......242.4 “Have”: Actions......263. The Simple Tenses......283.1 The Present Simple Tense......283.1.1 Questions and Negatives in the Present Simple Tense......293.2 The Past Simple Tense......343.2.1 Questions and Negatives in the Past Simple Tense......363.2.2 Habitual Actions in the Past – “Used to”......393.3 The Future Simple Tense......424. The Continuous Tenses......494.1 The Present Continuous Tense......494.1.1 Talking about the Future......544.1.2 The Present Continuous and the Present Simple......584.2 The Past Continuous Tense......614.2.1 The Past Simple and the Past Continuous......644.2.2 Talking about an Activity that Was Interrupted by an Event......665. The Perfect Tenses......685.1 The Present Perfect Tense......695.2 The Present Perfect and the Past Simple......775.3 Review of Tenses......795.4 The Past Perfect Tense......815.4.1 Questions and Negatives......855.5 Review of Tenses: The Past Simple
the Past Continuous
the Past Perfect.......865.6 The Future Perfect Tense......886. Modal Verbs......896.1 “Can”. Forms and Meanings......896.2 “May”. Forms and Meanings......946.3 “Must”. Forms and Meanings......996.3.1 “Must” and Its Equivalent “Have to”......1016.3.2 Prohibition or Absence of Necessity: Mustn’t or (Not) Have to......1046.3.3 The Functions of the Verb “Have” in a Sentence......1066.4 “Should”......1086.4.1 Modal Verbs. Summing up......1106.5 Modals: Doubt or Uncertainty......1127. Summing up: Questions and Negatives......1167.1 Questions......1167.1.1 “Yes/No” Questions......1167.1.2 Wh-questions or Special Questions......1197.1.3 Tag Questions......1237.2 Negatives......1258. Reported Speech......1288.1 The Sequence of Tenses......1288.2 Reported Statements......1328.3 Reported Command and Request......1368.4 Reported Questions......1388.4.1 Indirect General Question......1398.4.2 Indirect Special Question......1419. The Passive Voice......1459.1 Formation of the Passive Voice......1459.2 Use of Prepositions in Passive Constructions......1519.3 Verbs with Prepositions in the Passive Voice......1539.4 Some Difficulties in the Use of Passive Constructions......15510. Conditional Sentences......15710.1 The Future: Tenses after “if” and “when”......15710.2 Conditional Sentences......15910.2.1 Real Condition: Type I Conditionals......16010.2.2 Unreal Condition: Type II Conditionals......16410.2.3 Questions and Negatives......16611. Structures after Verbs: the Infinitive and the Gerund......16911.1 The Infinitive......16911.2 The Gerund......17111.2.1 Gerund after Verbs......17111.2.2 Gerund after Adjectives......17711.2.3 Gerund after Some Set Expressions......18011.2.4 Gerund after Nouns......18111.2.5 Gerund after Prepositions......18211.2.6 Gerund Passive......18312. The Noun......18612.1 Formation of Nouns......18612.2 The Plural of English Nouns......19012.2.1 Nouns Used Only in the Plural......19212.2.2 Nouns Used Only in the Singular......19312.3 Countable and Uncountable Nouns......19512.4 The Genetive or Possessive Case......19913. The Article......20613.1 The Indefinite Article “A/An”and the Definite Article “The”......20613.2 Use of Articles with Uncountable Nouns......21713.3 Use of Articles with Geographical Names......22113.4 Special Difficulties in the Use of Articles......22313.4.1 Use of Articles with the Names of Seasons and Meals
etc......22313.4.2 Use of Articles with the Words School / College / University
Work......22514. The Pronoun......22714.1 Personal and Possessive Pronouns......22714.1.1 Subject and Object Pronouns......22914.2 Demonstrative Pronouns This/These
That/Those......23114.3 Reflexive Pronouns......23314.3.1 Pronouns Each Other......23514.3.2 Pronouns Other/Another......23714.4 Pronouns All
Both......23814.4.1 Pronouns Each
Both......24014.5 Pronouns Some and Any......24314.5.1 Some/Any Compounds......24514.6 Pronouns Much/Many
Little/Few......24715. The Adjective......25115.1 Formation of Adjectives......25115.1.1 Adjectives Ending in -ing and -ed......25615.2 Word Order: Several Adjectives Noun......25715.3 Use of Adjectives after Verbs......25915.3.1 Use of Adjectives with Adverbs Too and Enough......26115.4 Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives......26315.4.1 Making Comparison More Emphatic......26915.4.2 Other Ways to Compare Things......27016. The Adverb......27416.1 Formation of Adverbs......27416.2 Confusing Adjectives and Adverbs......27716.3 Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs......28116.4 Adverbs of Time......28416.5 Adverbs of Frequency......28816.6 Adverbs of Place and Direction......29016.7 Adverbs of Degree
Measure and Quantity......29216.8 Adverbs of Probability......29617. Linking Words......29917.1 Prepositions......29917.1.1 Prepositions of Place......29917.1.2 Prepositions of Space At
On......30217.2 Prepositions of Direction......30517.2.1 Moving in Space......30717.3 Prepositions with Forms of Transport......31117.4 Prepositions of Time......31217.4.1 Prepositions of Time At
In......31217.4.2 Prepositions of Time After
Till/Until......31417.4.3 Prepositions In Time
On Time......31717.4.4 Prepositions of Time For
Since......31917.5 The Grammaticl Meaning of Prepositions......32117.6 Prepositions Expressing Abstract Relations......32317.7 The Place of Prepositions in a Sentence......32717.8 The Complex Sentence......32817.8.1 Defining Relative Clauses......32817.8.2 Defining and Non-defining Relative Clauses......33017.8.3 Contact Clauses......33117.8.4 Object Clauses......333Tests......336Appendix 1 English Tenses (Active)......342Appendix 2 List of Irregular Verbs......343Appendix 3 Some Verbs Used with Prepositions......345Appendix 4 Expressions with Do and Make......348Keys......349Literature......399

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