Колесников Л.Л., Никитюк Д.Б., Сапин М.Р., Textbook of human anatomy. For medical students. In 2 volumes
Новая волна, 2013 г., 978-5-7864-0209-5
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Planes and axes. General anatomical terms
Cells and tissues
Transport of substances and membranes in the cell
The nucleus
Cell division. The cell cycle
Epithelial tissue
Connective tissue
The Blood
Skeletal tissues
Bone tissue
Muscle tissue
Nervous tissue
Structure of bones
Classification of bones
Structure and chemical composition of bones
Development and growth of bones
Skeleton of the trunk
Cervical vertebrae
Thoracic vertebrae
Lumbar vertebrae
Ribs and sternum
Main variants and anomalies of bones of the trunk
The skull
Bones of the cranial skull
Canals of the temporal bone
Bones of the facial skull
Skull as a whole
Paranasal sinuses
Skull of a newborn
Modifications of the skull after birth
Sexual characteristics of the skull
Development of the human skull
Variants and anomalies in development of the bones of
the skull
The appendicular skeleton
Bones of the upper extremities
The pectoral girdle
Skeleton of the free upper extremities
Bones of the forearm
Bones of the hand
Variants and anomalies of the skeleton of the upper
Bones of the lower extremities
Bones of the pelvic girdle
Skeleton of the free lower extremity
Bones of the leg
Bones of the foot
Variants and anomalies of the skeleton of lower
Classification of joints
Classification of joints (continuation)
Age characteristics of joints
Articulations of the bones of the trunk
Joints of the vertebral column
Articulations between the vertebral column and skull
The vertebral column (as a whole)
Articulation of ribs with the vertebral column
Articulation of the ribs with the sternum
The thorax (as a whole)
Articulations of the bones of the skull
Articulations of the upper extremities
Articulations of the pectoral girdle
Articulations of the free upper extremity
Articulations of the forearm and hand
Movement in joints of the hand
Articulations of the lower extremities
Articulations of the pelvic girdle
The pelvis (as a whole)
Articulations of the free lower extremity
Articulations of the bones of the leg
Articulations of the bones of the foot
The foot as a whole
Structure of the skeletal muscles
Classification of muscles
The auxiliary apparatus of muscles
Work of muscles
Development of muscles
Muscles and fasciae of the back
Superficial muscles of the back
Deep muscles of the back
Fasciae of the back
Topographic anatomy and fatty tissue spaces of the
Muscles and fasciae of the thorax
Proper muscles of the thorax
Fasciae of the thorax
Topographic anatomy and fatty tissue spaces of the
Muscles and fasciae of the abdomen
Muscles of the posterior abdominal wall
Fasciae of the abdominal region
Topographic anatomy and fatty tissue spaces of the
abdominal walls
Linea alba of the abdomen
The rectus sheath
The inguinal canal
Muscles and fasciae of the head
Muscles of fasial expression
Muscles of the roof of the skull
Muscles of the eyelid and the orbit
Muscles of the nose
Muscles of the mouth
Muscles of the auricular concha
Masticatory muscles
Fasciae of the head
Topographic anatomy and fatty tissue spaces of the
Muscles and fasciae of the neck
Superficial muscles of the neck
Muscles situated above the hyoid bone
Muscles situated below the hyoid bone
Deep muscles of the neck
Topographic anatomy and fatty tissue spaces of the
Triangles of the neck
Muscles and fasciae of the upper extremity
Muscles of the shoulder girdle
Muscles of the free upper extremity
Anterior muscles of the arm
Posterior muscles of the arm
Anterior muscles of the forearm
First (superficial) layer of the anterior muscles of the
Second layer of the anterior muscles of the forearm
Third layer of anterior muscles of the forearm
Fourth (deep) layer of the anterior muscles of the
Posterior muscles of the forearm
Superficial layer of the posterior muscles of the forearm
Deep layer of the posterior muscles of the forearm
Muscles of the hand
Muscles of the thenar eminence
Muscles of the hypothenar
Middle group of the muscles of the hand
Fasciae and synovial bursae of the upper extremity
Topographic anatomy and fatty tissue spaces of the
upper extremity
Muscles and fasciae of the lower extremity
Muscles of the pelvic girdle (muscles of the pelvis)
Internal muscles of the pelvic girdle
External muscles of the pelvic girdle
Muscles of the free lower extremity
Anterior muscles of the thigh
Posterior muscles of the thigh
Medial muscles of the thigh
Muscles of the leg
Anterior muscles of the leg
Lateral muscles of the leg
Posterior muscles of the leg
Superficial layer
Deep layer of the posterior group of the leg muscles
Muscles of the foot
Dorsal muscles of the foot
Medial group of the muscles of the sole
Lateral group of muscles of the sole
Middle group of the muscles of the sole
Fasciae, synovial bursae and sheaths of the lower
Topographic anatomy and fatty tissue spaces of the
lower extremity
Variants and anomalies of the skeletal muscles
Muscles of the trunk
Muscles of the chest
Muscles of abdomen
Muscles of facial expression
Muscles of mastication
Muscles of the neck
Muscles of the upper extremity
Muscles of the lower extremities
Topographic orientation points of internal organs
The digestive system
The oral cavity
Salivary glands
Small intestine
Jejunum and Ileum
Large intestine
Biliary system
Development of the digestive system
Age characteristics of the digestive system organs
Variants and anomalies of the digestive organs
The respiratory system
Nasal cavity
Main bronchi
Development of the respiratory system
Age characteristics of the respiratory system
Variants and anomalies of the respiratory system
Volume II
The urogenital apparatus
The urinary organs
The kidneys
The ureter
Urinary bladder
The genital organs
The male external genital organs
The scrotum
Spermatic cord
The male urethra
The male internal genital organs
The testes
The epididymis
The ductus deferens
The seminal gland (the seminal vesicle)
The prostate
The bulbo-urethral gland
The internal female genital organs
The ovary
The appendages of the ovary
The uterus
The uterine tube
The vagina
The external female genital organs
The age characteristics of organs of the urogenital
The age characteristics of the male genital organs
The age characteristics of the female genital organs
The perineum
The ischio - anal fossa
The development of human urogenital apparatus
Development of urinary organs
The development of internal genital organs
The development of external genital organs
The developing of perineum
Variants and anomalies of urinary and genital organs
Male genital organs
Female genital organs
The pituitary gland (hypophysis)
Hormones of hypophysis and their action
The thyroid gland
The parathyroid glands
The endocrine part of pancreas
The endocrine part of genital glands
The adrenal gland
The pineal body
The paraganglions
The diffusive neuroendocrine system (APUD-system)
Variants and anomalies of endocrine glands
Age features of endocrine glands
The bone marrow
Development and age features of the bone marrow
The thymus
Development and age peculiarities of thymus
The tonsils
The lingual tonsil
Development and age peculiarities of the lingual tonsil
The pharyngeal tonsil
Development and age peculiarities of the pharyngeal
The palatine tonsil
Development and age peculiarities of the palatine tonsil
The tubal tonsil
Development and age differences of the tubal tonsil
The appendix
The lymphoid patches of the small intestine
The solitary lymphoid nodules
Development and age peculiarities of single lymphoid
The lymph nodes
The spleen
Development and age peculiarities of the lymphoid
tissue of the spleen
Lymphatic vessels and regional lymph nodes of the
body regions
Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of a lower
Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of pelvis
Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of abdominal cavity
Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of thoracic cavity
Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of head and neck
Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the upper
Circulation of the blood
The Heart
Cardiac chambers
The skeletotopy of the heart
The cardiac skeleton
The wall of the heart
The conducting system of the heart
Innervation of the heart
Blood vessels of the heart
Veins of the heart
Flow of the lymph
The Pericardium
Blood supply
Flow of the lymph
Development of the heart and pericardium
Age peculiarities of the heart and the pericardium
Variants and anomalies of the heart and the pericardium
The blood vessels of the body
The vessels of the lesser (pulmonary) blood circulation
The blood vessels of the greater (sistemic) blood
The aorta
The arch of the aorta
The descending part of the aorta
The branches of the arch of the aorta
The external carotid artery
The anterior group of the external carotid artery
The posterior group of the external carotid artery
The internal carotid artery
The subclavian artery
Arteries of the upper limb
The branches of the descending aorta
The abdominal aorta
The unpaired visceral branches
The paired visceral branches
The parietal branches of the abdominal aorta
The common iliac artery
The internal iliac artery
The external iliac artery
Arteries of the inferior limb
Variants and anomalies of the arteries
Systemic circulation (greater blood circulation) veins
The veins of systemic circulation
The superior vena cava system
Thoratic cavity veins (veins of the thoratic cavity and
its walls)
The superior vena cava and its trubutaries in the
thoratic cavity
The brachioceptal veins
Head and neck veins
The external jugular vein
The veins of the upper limb
The superficial veins of the upper limb
The deep veins of the upper limb
The inferior vena cava system
The system of the portal vein
The veins of pelvis
The veins of the lower limb
Variations in major veins
Developmental anatomy of major blood vessels
Blood circulation of the foetus
Development of the human nervous system
The central nervous system
The spinal cord
Age features of the spinal medulla
The meninges of the spinal cord
The blood vessels of the spinal medulla
Development and age characteristics of the tunics of
the spinal cord
The brain
The telencephalon
The texture of the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres
The distribution of functions in the cerebral cortex
The basal nuclei and white matter of the telencefalon
Lateral ventricle
The diencephalon
The hypotalamus
The third ventricle
The midbrain (the mesencephalon)
The isthmus of the rhomboid brain
The pons
The cerebellum
The medulla oblongata
The fourth ventricle
The rhomboid fossa
Conductive tracts of the brain and the spinal cord
Extroceptic conductive tracts
Extrapyramidal conductive tracts
The meninges of the brain
The vessels of the brain
Cerebral dimensions
The peripheral nervous system
The cranial nerves
Terminal nerve (0 pair)
Olfactory nerve (I pair)
Optic nerve (II pair)
Oculomotor nerve (III pair)
Trochlear nerve (IV pair)
Trigeminal nerve (V pair)
The abducent nerve
The facial nerve
The vestibulocochlear nerve
The glossopharingeal nerve
The vagus nerve
The accessory nerve
The hypoglossal nerve
The spinal nerves
The cervical plexus
The brachial plexus
The anterior rami of the thoracic nerves
The cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves
The lumbar plexus
The sacral plexus
Long branches of sacral plexus
The coccygeal plexus
Age - dependent features of the peripheral nervous
Variations and anomalies of the cranial and spinal
The autonomic part of peripherial nervous system
The sympathetic part of the autonomous (vegetative)
nervous system
Sympathetic trunk
The vegetative plexuses of the abdominal cavity and
the pelvis
The parasympathetic part of the autonomous
(vegetative) nervous system
Variations and anomalies of the autonomous nervous
The visual apparatus
The ocular refractive media
The vitreous body
The lens
The accessory visual apparatus
The lacrimal apparatus
The visual process
Embryogenesis of the eye
The vessels and nerves of the vascular coat of the
The auditory and vestibular apparatus
The external ear
The middle ear
The auditory ossicles
The pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube
The internal ear
The semicircular canals
The cochlea
The vestibular analyser
The auditory analyser
Development of the inner ear
Development of the inner ear
The blood vessels and nerves of the organ of hearing
and equilibrium
The organ of smell
The organ of taste
The integument
Blood and lymphatic vessels of the skin
Nerves of the skin
Vessels and nerves of the mammary gland
Об авторе
Заведующий кафедрой нормальной и топографической анатомии факультета фундаментальной медицины Московской медицинской академии. Награжден орденами Красной Звезды, "Знак почета", Трудового Красного Знамени, Отечественной войны и 16 медалями. Лауреат премии им. В.П. Воробьева.Член Нью-Йоркской академии наук, член Международной академии наук, член Международного научного общества Anatomishe Geselshaft, почетный член Болгарского анатомического общества, Чехословацкого анатомического общества им. Я. Пуркинье. Председатель Всесоюзного научного общества анатомов, гистологов, эмбриологов (АГЭ). М.Р.Сапин опубликовал лично и в соавторстве более 540 работ, в том числе 18 монографий, более 30 учебников для медицинских, биологических и педагогических вузов, училищ, колледжей и общеобразовательных школ, учебные и методические руководства и пособия. Педагогическая работа: курс по анатомии для студентов факультета фундаментальной медицины.
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