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Tian J., Macaron Magic 2: Individual Desserts and Showpieces

2012 г., 104 стр., 0983776423

Описание книги

Almonds, sugar, egg whites, and magic! Encore! In this second installment of Macaron Magic, we explore the tantalizing world of individual desserts and showpieces for macarons. Inspired by seasonal color palettes and ingredients, Macaron Magic 2 presents twelve innovative creations of macaron desserts, including pineapple and iberico ham, Meyer lemon and hazelnut, white peach and white chocolate, walnut, fig, and chocolate, and more. The book also includes instructions on how to construct four dazzling showpieces and a bonus chapter on advanced techniques for creating stunning chocolate and pulled sugar decorations. Macaron Magic 2 introduces techniques for creating professional-quality macaron desserts and showpieces as well as advanced decorating methods to maximize the visual impact of these edible works of art. Recipes are accompanied by step-by-step photographs to demonstrate procedures, construction diagrams to offer quick assembly references, and photographs of finished works...

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