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Riegelman N., Colors for Fashion | Риджелман Ненси

2013 г., 336 стр., 978-0-9702463-6-3

Описание книги

Drawing is the most powerful tool of fashion design, a unique and extremely flexible medium for communicating fashion ideas. Drawing allows us to communicate ideas for garments quickly and easily, to shown only their physical characteristics but also to give a good sense of their mood, how they should be styled and the age group and market they are intended for.
is written for all those who love to draw, love drawing and love fashion and are interest in developing advanced fashion drawing skills. It is a complete course in how to draw fashion to an ad­vanced level, in color, designed for use in college courses or as a self-teaching manual. It is the second pa of a complete course in drawing fashion, following on from 9 Heads-a guide to drawing fashion and covers all aspects of fashion drawing from an intermediate through to an advanced level.
The drawing medium used in is colored markers, now universally accepted as the best medium for drawing fashion, being quick, convenient, easy-to-use/learn and quite economical compared to more traditional artistic media. All the techniques for mastering the use of colored markers are shown і detail, along with extensive information on how to make selections of markers, the small amount of other equipment and materials required for working with markers, and how to use markers in combination with other artistic media, such as colored pencils and gel pens, to achieve powerful graphic effects. contains an in-depth overview of color theory and the principles and elements of desk These often-seemingly complex topics are specially interpreted in the context of fashion drawing, with numerous custom-drawn illustrations. Also included is a selection of fashion drawings that show how to make effective use of Adobe Photoshop.
Containing over 1000 original hand drawings, teaches in clear, easy-to-follow formats how to acquire the skills and techniques needed to draw a wide range of women"s, men s and children "$ fashion garments realistically and accurately. Making extensive use of sequences of step-by-step illustra­tions, all with accompanying captions and commentary, is clear and accessible, an in­valuable guide for those who are motivated to develop their fashion drawing skills to the full.

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